Thursday, August 16, 2012

LeapFrog Letter Factory Phonics | Toddler, Product Review | Daddy ...

Gab is learning the alphabet. ?And I have been looking for a product that will make learning his ABCs enjoyable as from my iPad. ?A trip to the toy store today got me buying a new release from LeapFrog ? Letter Factory Phonics.

LeapFrog Letter Factory

The?LeapFrog Letter Factory contains letters of the alphabet that you put into a slot. ?Once you press the letter, a music saying the letter and the sound of the letter will be played.

This is designed for kids aged 2+. ?Gab is just 1 year and 7 months but he seems to be ready for his ABCs and knows a good number of letters already.

LeapFrog Letter Factory Top Unboxed

Press the letter and it plays ?A. A says ?aye??

LeapFrog Letter Factory Description

  • 26 singing letters bring the alphabet to life!
  • Based on the award-winning Letter Factory DVD, little learners place letter tiles in the ?factory? to hear songs that teach the corresponding letter names and sounds.
  • Utilizes a system that is supported by teachers and has helped more than ?7 million children* practice phonics in a fun way.
  • Tactile play with the individual letter tiles helps reinforce the curriculum.
  • Teaches: Letter names, Letter sounds and the ABC song.
  • Letter Factory Phonics is appropriate for children ages 2+ years.
  • Parents can connect to the online LeapFrog? Learning Path for customized learning insights and ideas to expand the learning.


Clear and Loud Audio. ?What I liked about the Letter Factory is the loud and audible sound. ?There are two levels of loudness to select from and both settings still provides a clear voice of each letter.

Size and weight.?The letter pieces are just right in size and weight. ?Gab is able to clasp one letter on each hand and can easily put the letters on the slot. ?Pressing the letters to produce the sound needs moderate force which any two year old can probably do.

LeapFrog Letter Factory Clip

Pressing the yellow button will play the ABC song.

ABC Song.?The ABC song is played clearly too and just the right speed. ?Gab cannot memorize it or follows the song yet. ?But he likes the melody and dances with the tune.

Easy storage. ?The Letter Factory comes with a container for all the letters. ?Keeping and storing them together after play becomes easy and simple.

LeapFrog Letter Factory Container

All the letters can be stored safely in its container.


Non-magnetic letters. ?The salesman told me that the individual letters are magnetic which is one of the main reason for choosing this product over the others. ?But when I opened them at home, the letters are not magnetic. ?None of the parts is magnetic, at all. Grrr?

LeapFrog Letter Factory - Letters

Daddy showing the back of the letter A. ?No magnet at all.

Noisy ABC Song. ?Gab just keeps pressing the yellow button for the ABC song over and over again. ?I hope they had an option to mute the ABC song so that Gab can focus on the individual letters instead.

Difficulty in Changing Letters. Putting the letters into the slot and pressing them is easy. ?But removing the letters from the slot can be difficult for smaller kids. ?The locking mechanism for the slots is too tight.

LeapFrog Letter Factory and Gab

?Gab loves pressing the letter but needs daddy to change them.


Overall, I am excited on how this product will help Gab learn his ABCs faster. ?He knows a lot of letters already but gets confused on the similar ones like W and M. ?Gab definitely likes them too and spends ample time on it. ?I am equally happy that Gab gets to know his ABCs without my iPad apps. ?:D

Daddy Rating: 4 of 5

Daddy Rating 4 of 5


Check out other LeapFrog Educational Products in Amazon.



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