Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Management of Human Resources | Wink of Business and ...

The human resource management is a vital part of any modern successful business. Professional human resource managers that require organizations to choose the best people available to lead the company forward. These human resource managers to use various tools to analyze academic and personal qualities of people and if these people would be able to contribute positively to the growth of the organization. These skills can be obtained by applying an online degree program in Human Resource Management.

What degree online in human resource management?

An online degree in human resource management is designed to give students the skills necessary to perform the functions of recruitment, selection, development, training and evaluation of employees within an organization. The online degree in human resource management also addresses issues of employment law, employee compensation and safety. Online degrees in human resource management are available at all levels of the education ladder from associate, bachelor, masters through doctorate programs online degree.

Students of online degree programs human resources are able to receive a high quality accredited as a degree of comfort of their homes without having to visit the campus. Online degrees in human resources available through pre-recorded lectures gently guides students through the program. Students can return to school in the past to solidify your understanding. In addition, human resources management online cost less at the end of that traditional institutions such as the cost associated with travel and campus life are eliminated.
Advantages of an online degree in human resource management

After completing an online degree in human resource management, graduates will be able to:

* Encourage employees to go the extra mile for the organization
* Design and training of the source effective to allow employees
* Conduct successful negotiations to resolve the salary packages beneficial to both employees and the organization
* Perform employee evaluations
* Resolve internal conflict with effective mediation skills
* Source of the best employees of the organization

Accredited online school for man Top Degrees Resource Management

Many online institutions offer degrees in human resources management. However, students must take the car to pursue degree programs accredited universities only online. This ensures that the public recognize the use of your degree. Some of these accredited schools online are:

* University of Virginia: Virginia College offers programs to students 100% online degree in human resource management partners, singles and masters level. At the University of Virginia, students receive a high degree of proven quality that is highly respected by his peers and organizations. Graduates of Virginia online college degree in human resource management so that we can expect a successful career in the field.
* University of Phoenix University of Phoenix is ??one of the oldest online institutions and most experienced in the field of online education. His influence goes far and wide so that graduates online in human resource management demand consistently high. Your online degree in human resource management is still relevant and applicable to all forms of organizations.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Pre-E3: ?Qu? esperamos de Sony?

El E3 2012 est?? a la vuelta de la esquina. Se trata del evento m?s importante del mundo de los videojuegos, donde cada a?o se muestra el devenir del sector de cara a los pr?ximos 12 meses. Con este escenario tan prol?fico, Sony no pod?a faltar, y sacar? todo su arsenal justo despu?s de Microsoft, a las 18:00. Se espera mucho de ella y eso, la propia Sony, lo sabe.

###Lo que estar?

Adem?s de las cl?sicas presentaciones de t?tulos multiplataforma, Sony ha confirmado que se guarda bajo la manga 20 exclusividades que a?n no se han dado a conocer. PlayStation 3 estar? servida con la presentaci?n en sociedad de t?tulos como PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, el prometedor God of War: Ascension, el ya confirmado LittleBigPlanet Karting? y el retorno de alg?n viejo conocido como? The Last of Us? y el dilatado en el tiempo The Last Guardian, del que seguro sacar?n algo para relajar a los seguidores de Ueda.

Por otro lado est? la nueva port?til de Sony, PS Vita. La cual no est? teniendo la acogida deseada por la compa??a. Aqu? es donde, seguramente, saquen el grueso de esas 20 exclusividades. Este sistema es el que necesita un buen empuj?n para mejorar ventas y sacar a Sony adelante de la ca?da econ?mica por parte de la empresa japonesa.

A buen seguro veremos moverse por su genial pantalla, t?tulos como Street Fighter X Tekken o Metal Gear Solid Collection HD. No obstante, Vita cuenta con m?s t?tulos en la sombra que su hermana mayor. Franquicias de renombre como Bioshock, Call Of Duty o Assassin?s Creed ya cuentan con t?tulos confirmados para la nueva port?til de Sony, que podr?an hacer su primera aparici?n durante esta edici?n del E3, as? como uno de los que? mayor bombo est? dando,? Soul Sacrifice.

###Lo que podr?a presentar

Es de esperar que haya alguna sorpresa no vaticinada. De hecho la revista PS3M ha anunciado que Sony tiene al menos otra gran sorpresa m?s que dejar? muy sorprendido al p?blico, y no est? relacionado con la sucesora de PlayStation 3. Algo de que nosotros no vemos muy claro, pero una frase se dej? ver cuando se anunci? que contar?an con 20 franquicias exclusivas: ?desvelaremos el futuro de la jugabilidad y la innovaci?n?.

Una frase que puede ponernos en alerta de la llegada de una especie de nuevo sistema de control para PS3 o, en su defecto, para la siguiente generaci?n. Otra posibilidad es la de utilizar el sistema PS Vita como sistema de control, al m?s puro estilo Wii U.

Por otro lado, tambi?n se podr?a presentar algo del nuevo trabajo de Guerrilla, los cuales est?n trabajando en una nueva IP. Y tambi?n tenemos trasteando a Media Molecule, que llevan casi un a?o invirtiendo en nuevas tecnolog?as para el desarrollo de un nuevo t?tulo.

Tambi?n esperamos que, de una vez por todas confirmen fecha de algo que ya anunciaron el a?o anterior, la conectividad entre PS3 y PS Vita. ?Podremos usar de una maldita vez el tan deseado Remote Play? A esto hay que sumarle la compatibilidad con juegos de PSX y PS2. Lo que pondr?a el colof?n perfecto para el ya mencionado empuj?n.

### Atentos a..

Ya hemos hablado de PS Vita, ahora le toca PS Move. El sistema de detecci?n de movimientos de Sony se ha ido nutriendo de los ya encasillados Minijuegos.

Cuando se nos present? el mencionado perif?rico se habl? mucho de que este sistema no caer?a en la t?nica de juegos casuales algo que, hasta la llegada de Sorcery, no hab?a ocurrido. As? que esperemos que cumplan con su palabra y empiecen a nutrirse de nuevos t?tulos m?s elaborados que eleven la experiencia de este control.

Algo que har? que m?s jugadores se convenzan y se lancen a adquirirlo. Ya que, actualmente, si preguntamos a la gente por sistemas de control de movimiento, la gente piensa en Kinect o el Wii Mote, pero Move se queda en el olvido. Sony no puede permit?rselo, y parece haberse dado cuento. Como ya hemos dicho antes, Sorcery es el camino correcto en esta andadura.

###Lo que no estar?

Al igual que ha pasado con Microsoft, los rumores sobre la presentaci?n de una consola Next-Gen est?n muy de moda y difundi?ndose a diestro y siniestro.

Sony ya se ha pronunciado al respecto diciendo que no se presentar? una nueva consola, y menos a?n sabiendo que su competidor m?s directo no anunciar? nuevo hardware y ellos saldr?n a la palestra justo despu?s.

Sin embargo, no ha descartado en ning?n momento dar informaci?n sobre el proyecto o si mostrar?n alguna demostraci?n t?cnica con la que ir abriendo el apetito de sus seguidores. Puesto que ya sabemos que no le funcion? la estrategia de esperar a ver qu? sacaban sus competidores y luego lanzar su producto. Por lo que es probable que esta vez golpee primero en este sentido. Adem?s la coletilla de ?el futuro de la jugabilidad y la innovaci?n? hacen que nos asalten las dudas.

###El Bombazo

Sony podr?a dar la campanada este E3 2012 si la informaci?n que est? circulando actualmente por la red resulta ser cierta. En uno de los avances del E3, se ha hecho referencia a un acuerdo entre PlayStation y una plataforma de juegos en la nube, aunque no se han dado m?s detalles al respecto. Entrando en los detalles, Sony podr?a estar preparando una alianza con OnLive o Gaikai en virtud de la cual, el sistema de juego en la nube pasar?a a ser una realidad para PlayStation 3. Esto implicar?a que cualquier usuario de PS3 podr?a acceder a juegos v?a streaming, a trav?s de su sistema.

Tambi?n se apunta a que esto estar? presente exclusivamente para los usuarios PlayStation Plus. Ya que Ross McGrath de Sony escribi? hace poco en su Twitter que hab?a llegado el momento de suscribirse. De todo esto saldremos de dudas cuando la maquinaria del E3 eche a rodar.

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EA Sports Promises Game Changing Innovations With FIFA Soccer 13

EA Sports Promises Game Changing Innovations With FIFA Soccer 13

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FIFA Soccer 13 Messi Avoids Tackle

Electronic Arts says FIFA Soccer 13 includes game-changing innovations. Messi is avoiding a tackle in the screenshot above. Here are some of the highlights:

  • The game features new Attacking Intelligence, which enables players to analyze space, work harder and smarter to break down defenses, and think two plays ahead. Players now possess the intelligence to create, curve, or alter runs to capitalize on openings as they occur, make runs that pull defenders out of position to open passing channels for teammates, and better position themselves for new attacking opportunities.
  • The dribbling system is also new. Inspired by Lionel Messi, Complete Dribbling enables players to face their opponent and use precise dribble touches combined with true 360 degree mobility with the ball.
  • FIFA 13 Tactical Free Kicks provides the tools to create dangerous and unpredictable free kicks utilizing the most skillful players on the pitch. Position up to three attacking players over the ball and utilize dummy runs and more passing options to create elaborate free kicks. Opponents can counter by adding or subtracting players to the wall, creeping the wall forward, or sending a bullet man to intercept the pass or block the shot.
  • FIFA 13 1st Touch Control transforms the way players control the ball, eliminating near-perfect touch for every player on the pitch, and creating variety and uncertainty around ball control. Factors such as defensive pressure, trajectory of the ball, and velocity of the pass now impact a player's first touch, creating more opportunities for defenders to win back possession.
  • The second generation of the Player Impact Engine expands physical play from just collisions to off-the-ball battles between players. Defenders push and pull for position, and use their size and strength to win possession or force opponents into poor touches and decisions before the ball arrives.
Image: EA Sports

Posted on May 19, 2012

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Scientist: Evolution debate will soon be history

NEW YORK (AP) ? Richard Leakey predicts skepticism over evolution will soon be history.

Not that the avowed atheist has any doubts himself.

Sometime in the next 15 to 30 years, the Kenyan-born paleoanthropologist expects scientific discoveries will have accelerated to the point that "even the skeptics can accept it."

"If you get to the stage where you can persuade people on the evidence, that it's solid, that we are all African, that color is superficial, that stages of development of culture are all interactive," Leakey says, "then I think we have a chance of a world that will respond better to global challenges."

Leakey, a professor at Stony Brook University on Long Island, recently spent several weeks in New York promoting the Turkana Basin Institute in Kenya. The institute, where Leakey spends most of his time, welcomes researchers and scientists from around the world dedicated to unearthing the origins of mankind in an area rich with fossils.

His friend, Paul Simon, performed at a May 2 fundraiser for the institute in Manhattan that collected more than $2 million. A National Geographic documentary on his work at Turkana aired this month on public television.

Now 67, Leakey is the son of the late Louis and Mary Leakey and conducts research with his wife, Meave, and daughter, Louise. The family claims to have unearthed "much of the existing fossil evidence for human evolution."

On the eve of his return to Africa earlier this week, Leakey spoke to The Associated Press in New York City about the past and the future.

"If you look back, the thing that strikes you, if you've got any sensitivity, is that extinction is the most common phenomena," Leakey says. "Extinction is always driven by environmental change. Environmental change is always driven by climate change. Man accelerated, if not created, planet change phenomena; I think we have to recognize that the future is by no means a very rosy one."

Any hope for mankind's future, he insists, rests on accepting existing scientific evidence of its past.

"If we're spreading out across the world from centers like Europe and America that evolution is nonsense and science is nonsense, how do you combat new pathogens, how do you combat new strains of disease that are evolving in the environment?" he asked.

"If you don't like the word evolution, I don't care what you call it, but life has changed. You can lay out all the fossils that have been collected and establish lineages that even a fool could work up. So the question is why, how does this happen? It's not covered by Genesis. There's no explanation for this change going back 500 million years in any book I've read from the lips of any God."

Leakey insists he has no animosity toward religion.

"If you tell me, well, people really need a faith ... I understand that," he said.

"I see no reason why you shouldn't go through your life thinking if you're a good citizen, you'll get a better future in the afterlife ...."

Leakey began his work searching for fossils in the mid-1960s. His team unearthed a nearly complete 1.6-million-year-old skeleton in 1984 that became known as "Turkana Boy," the first known early human with long legs, short arms and a tall stature.

In the late 1980s, Leakey began a career in government service in Kenya, heading the Kenya Wildlife Service. He led the quest to protect elephants from poachers who were killing the animals at an alarming rate in order to harvest their valuable ivory tusks. He gathered 12 tons of confiscated ivory in Nairobi National Park and set it afire in a 1989 demonstration that attracted worldwide headlines.

In 1993, Leakey crashed a small propeller-driven plane; his lower legs were later amputated and he now gets around on artificial limbs. There were suspicions the plane had been sabotaged by his political enemies, but it was never proven.

About a decade ago, he visited Stony Brook University on eastern Long Island, a part of the State University of New York, as a guest lecturer. Then-President Shirley Strum Kenny began lobbying Leakey to join the faculty. It was a process that took about two years; he relented after returning to the campus to accept an honorary degree.

Kenny convinced him that he could remain in Kenya most of the time, where Stony Brook anthropology students could visit and learn about his work. And the college founded in 1957 would benefit from the gravitas of such a noted professor on its faculty.

"It was much easier to work with a new university that didn't have a 200-year-old image where it was so set in its ways like some of the Ivy League schools that you couldn't really change what they did and what they thought," he said.

Earlier this month, Paul Simon performed at a benefit dinner for the Turkana Basin Institute. IMAX CEO Rich Gelfond and his wife, Peggy Bonapace Gelfond, and billionaire hedge fund investor Jim Simons and his wife, Marilyn, were among those attending the exclusive show in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood.

Simon agreed to allow his music to be performed on the National Geographic documentary airing on PBS and donated an autographed guitar at the fundraiser that sold for nearly $20,000.

Leakey, who clearly cherishes investigating the past, is less optimistic about the future.

"We may be on the cusp of some very real disasters that have nothing to do with whether the elephant survives, or a cheetah survives, but if we survive."

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Are You A Narcissist? Use Twitter and Facebook To Find Out

From ReadWriteWeb:

A study released last month breaks down patterns on how narcissists use social networks and finds differences in patterns on Facebook when compared with those on Twitter.

An individual?s level of narcissism is displayed not in how many Twitter followers they have, but is more closely correlated to how many Tweets they send about themselves, according to a study by Bruce C. McKinney, Lynne Kelly, & Robert L. Duran in the spring issue of Communications Research Reports, an academic journal. But on Facebook, the opposite holds true: Narcissism was directly correlated with the number of friends a person has on the social network, and not necessarily by the number of status updates they post about their personal lives.

?These findings suggest that Facebook is not dominated by narcissistic millennials, as some have proposed, although, consistent with previous research, those higher on narcissism appear to be driven to amass a larger number of Facebook friends,? the researchers wrote. ?Results suggest that Twitter may be the network of choice for narcissists, which may, in part, account for the substantially lower number of Twitter users, as compared to Facebook users.?

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Senate FDA bill rejects Canadian drug provision (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

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Batavia man facing drug charges (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

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Dylan Ratigan: Sustainability = Security: The Next Mission for America's Vets

As our nation starts to draw down the wars overseas, over a million vets will be re-entering civilian life over the next five years -- one of the largest in our country's recent history.

This Memorial Day weekend, we are focusing on the next mission facing our war heroes. We all know our service members and returning vets are committed to our national security -- but as they return home, that mission extends beyond the battlefield, as vets work to ensure that future generations never go to war over resources.?The need for sustainable energy and sustainable food are what many of the wars around the world are fought over now -- our returning marines know it, and they're doing something about it.

Watch as Dylan Ratigan talks about the connection between vets, jobs, sustainability and security with Liz Perez of GC Green, and John Hofmeister, former CEO of Shell Oil and founder of Citizens for Affordable Energy, as well as some amazing veterans he met on the road on the West Coast who are working for change.

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Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss - Easy and Delicious!

When it comes to losing weight, eating is where most of us end up doing everything wrong. Or completely ignore health when it comes to our favorite food between meals or just eat too much of a snack. Either way the result is we eat more calories, fat and sodium than they need to lose weight and ended up with the exact opposite.

What we need are healthy snacks for weight loss, eliminate snacks altogether is not realistic. The key is to find healthy snacks that are both easy and delicious for us to enjoy weight loss without hunger. Read on to learn more!

Why is it necessary Snacks for Weight Loss?

As much as you want, you can resist the temptation to grab a snack when your stomach starts to growl, the truth is that having healthy snacks for weight loss is necessary to prevent overeating at meals. If you let yourself die of hunger between meals it is likely that compenses over for lunch and eat until you end up being about to explode.

The trick is to find healthy snacks for weight loss that are low in the bad things and a lot of good things.


Often when we think of snacks on potato chips or candy, but nuts and seeds make great healthy snacks for weight loss. Nuts such as almonds and peanuts or seeds such as sunflower or flax are important protein that can help you lose weight since protein makes you feel fuller longer so you will not unnecessary snacks throughout the day.

A small portion of nuts or seeds -1 / 4 cup or less can make a good healthy snack for weight loss. Although you may think that a handful of nuts or seeds could not provide you with a snack attack, the truth is they?re pretty stuffed and healthy so you can keep calories to a minimum while you get a good dose of good fat in your diet.

All-fiber cereal snacks to lose weight healthy and wealthy

Because whole grains are an essential part of a healthy diet, it follows that also was a good healthy snack for weight loss. Some whole grain snacks are rich in fiber, which is an amazing fat burner, but also are rich in complex carbohydrates that keep you energized all day. Unlike other sweet snacks, healthy snacks for weight loss and whole grains can give an energy boost at the right time for you to maintain concentration throughout the day.

By choosing healthy whole grain snacks to lose weight, make sure the label says ?whole grain? to make sure you?re getting whole grains, not refined grains. Some products try to entice healthy eaters by labeling products as ?multi-grain? or simply ?wheat? so I think they?re made from whole grains. They are not, are impostors who try to deceive you.

Vegetables and fruit

Fruits and vegetables are perfect healthy snacks for weight loss because they are low in calories and high in fiber, minerals and vitamins so you lose weight and keeps you healthy. Because the plants have almost no fat in them, you can snack without having to worry about your weight loss efforts.

If you have a cup of grapes or blueberries or a small bag of carrots, fruits and vegetables are exactly the kind of healthy snacks for weight loss to be added to your diet.

Snacks milk fat to lose weight

If you are looking for a snack then consider something sweet and low-fat or nonfat yogurt. Nonfat dairy snacks will give you a good dose of protein and calcium, while keeping you from overeating later. Whether you choose to chop sticks, low fat cheese or a cup of cottage cheese, you can not live without dairy products, choose low-fat dairy products for your healthy snacks for weight loss.

Lots of healthy snacks

An important factor to remember when you take healthy snacks to lose weight is portion size. No matter how healthy is your snack if you eat more than your body needs. If your goal is weight loss, it is suggested snacks with no more than 100 calories. This will help you keep your daily goal caloric intake without feeling hungry all day.

Healthy Snack Ideas

If you?re not sure of healthy snacks for weight loss, I have compiled a few that will help you stay on track. Enjoy these low calorie foods and snacks;

* 4 tablespoons raw almonds

* 6 oz carrots 2 tbsp. Hummus

* 1 cup sliced ??strawberries and bananas

* 2 pieces of light cheese

* 3.5 cups popped popcorn

1 cup grapes

These are just a couple of healthy snacks for weight loss to begin with, but as you become familiar with healthy food choices you will come to mind dozens of healthier snacks for your weight loss efforts easier.

When it comes to losing weight, eating is where most of us end up doing everything wrong. Or completely ignore health when it comes to our favorite food between meals or just eat too much of a snack.

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Welcome me back...Been a while..

Hey everyone. I'm not sure if you all remember me. Boy this site has changed! How long has it been? Maybe...a year. Or two. Anyways, Raff is back! Maybe some of the friends I have here will remember me. Anyways...The reason I haven't been on is because I've had a lot in my mind. And well, I had a lot of writers block. And I kinda' wasn't in the mood of Rping. But I have gotten' to where I miss Rping. And I want to come back. So maybe you all will let me come back in and start Rping with you. ^_^ So, if you will, let me in! Once again..>_>

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Insight: Crisis dims dreams for Europe's poor east

PETRACHIOAIA, Romania (Reuters) - Five years after joining the European Union, this town 13 miles outside of Romania's capital is still waiting for the jump in living standards its politicians said membership would bring.

Four out of five people have no indoor toilet or running water. Homes are heated with wood-burning stoves and most people raise animals in their yards to survive. Just one in five of Petrachioaia's 3,375 inhabitants has a job.

Now Europe's newest citizens - the 100 million people in Romania and nine other eastern European countries who have joined the 27-member bloc since 2004 - may have to retire their earlier dreams.

A growing number of economists working in think tanks and investment banks say the economic crisis in Europe has hurt the chances the EU's poorest members will catch up to, or converge with, living standards in their richer counterparts.

Convergence - the trend for new member countries to move towards Europe's average GDP per capita - has long been one of the rewards of EU membership.

That was what politicians almost universally promised in the run-up to membership, saying generous development aid from Brussels and foreign investment could help them follow the example of Ireland, whose boom took it from EU laggard to Celtic Tiger.

The former Communist states in eastern Europe appeared to be following the same path. But convergence has now slowed in many places, and economists say it could come to a stop in around 20 years at levels far lower than earlier hoped.

"Catching up is unlikely to proceed as rapidly as we thought before 2008," said Ville Kaitila, a researcher at ETLA, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, referring to the most widely used measuring stick for living standards.

"Even though there has been overall long-term convergence in the EU, convergence is not a natural law."

The economic slowdown over the past four years is already taking a toll. Angered by austerity measures and slow progress, some voters have swung away from reform-minded parties in favor of those that promote stronger social safety nets and reject economic reforms.

Constantin Florea, a 63-year-old former mill worker in Petrachioaia who subsists on a military pension of 100 euros a month and by raising animals, sums up the disillusionment.

"I thought they were supposed to raise our wages and pensions and create jobs for young people after we joined," he said as his heifer munched on grass by the side of a road.

"If I didn't have this cow, I'd starve."


In the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia, people popped champagne and danced in the streets when the EU ushered them into its club eight years ago.

Bulgaria and Romania had to wait another three years for accession, which politicians and economists said would boost their economies.

It had elsewhere. In Ireland economic reforms and a torrent of EU development funds, foreign investment and a lending boom to firms and consumers boosted GDP per capita from 65 percent of the EU average in 1960, 13 years before EU entry, to almost 150 percent in 2008.

At first, it looked like the EU newcomers would go the same way.

In the run-up to membership and immediately after, foreign firms ploughed cash into factories in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, making the latter the world's top car producer per head and, in less than a decade, pushing its GDP per person to 75 percent of the bloc's average from just 50.

While the rest of the EU expanded at 2 percent a year from 2000 to 2008, the new eastern states easily grew at double that rate, with Latvia peaking at 11.2 percent in 2006.

Convergence looked a sure thing. Bulgaria's GDP per person reached 44 percent of the EU average in 2008, from just 28 percent at the start of the decade. Romania's rose two-thirds to 47 percent.

The crisis ended the boom, and slowed convergence.

Every country in the region save Poland has had a recession in the past four years. Latvia shrank by more than a fifth from 2008 to 2010, and a two-year contraction in Romania wiped more than 8 percent off its annual output.

Many western European members also suffered recessions. The worst-off - debt-choked Greece - is in its fifth year of what looks set to be a 20 percent contraction.

But it started from a much higher pre-crisis base and its living standards are still roughly 80 percent of the EU average, neck-and-neck with the richest new EU state, Slovenia, and well ahead of the poorest. Ireland too has dropped from its peak but is still roughly at Germany's level.


Since the crisis, eastern Europe's governments have imposed austerity measures including layoffs and wage cuts for state workers, to tackle inefficiencies.

Foreign banks have shut off credit. Loans are harder to get. Romania has just re-entered recession.

"When we joined the EU people believed their world will change," said Decebal Floroaica, a 38-year-old priest who has just opened the first soup kitchen in Pitesti, a southern Romanian town of around 180,000. "Our euphoria was at a maximum and they thought everybody would find jobs abroad. Now we're realizing maybe the EU is not the land of milk and honey."

Economists now expect growth to remain below potential for several years, squeezing the ability of countries to gain ground on their richer neighbors.

"Citizens of new member states must have expected fast convergence. As a result they have been disappointed," Peter Halmai and Viktoria Vasary, Hungarian experts on transition economists, said in an email.

"The convergence machine continues to work, but at a lower level than expected earlier... In certain countries convergence has stopped or slowed down to a great extent."

In forecasts updated from a 2010 paper published in The European Journal of Comparative Economics, Halmai and Vasary see growth in the new member states outpacing that of the EU's original 15 countries, with a peak in 2030 or 2040.

That is when a demographic crisis is expected to hit eastern Europe, as a steep decline in the birth rate after the end of communism in 1989 brings a large fall in the workforce as generations born before then retire.

"The real convergence will stop from 2030 onwards and even a moderate divergence from the EU-15 might occur," Halmai and Vasary wrote.

Though they concede that their long range forecasts are uncertain, the economists believe that in most advanced states - Slovakia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic - the eventual ceiling of convergence will peak just around the EU norm before falling back to below that level.

Poland would top out at 76 percent of the EU average in 2060, they said, far short of last year's boast by former finance minister Leszek Balcerowicz that Poland could catch Germany in 20 years, and behind even countries such as troubled euro zone member Portugal.

The poorest two, Bulgaria and Romania, would struggle to break the 60 percent barrier in the next 30 years, and the latter could fall back to below present levels, they said.

Zsolt Darvas, a research fellow at Brussels-based think tank Bruegel, said that compared to Ireland's performance two decades ago, the eastern states are lagging, with some coming to resemble the path of Portugal, Spain and Greece, which made advances but then hit a wall.

Darvas thinks Bulgaria and Romania still "have a lot of chances to converge" but that realistically "in 40-50 years, if they will be around 50 percent of the EU average, that would not be bad for these countries."


It's not as if EU membership has brought no improvements. In Petrachioaia, the main road was paved for the first time in 2008, a year after Romania joined the EU. The last of the town's four schools got plumbing two years ago.

In Bucharest, the capital, luxury cars have replaced dilapidated Soviet-era Dacias and western brands from Gucci to Starbucks stand where just a decade ago were grim shops labeled "shoes" and "food".

But problems persist. Romania's highways link only three cities, and none reach a land border or a port, a red flag for exporting investors.

Only about a quarter of the population hold down steady jobs - there are roughly the same number of pensioners and the same again of subsistence farmers - so the country's production potential is below its better-off peers.

And while Ireland benefited from EU funds, Romania, dogged by corruption, bureaucracy and a lack of co-financing, has used just 8 percent of the 19 billion euros available since 2007.

Polls show that fewer than half of Romanians now have faith in the EU, down from over two thirds before entry. Tom Gallagher, a professor of east European politics at Bradford University, said that raises the risk of political dissent or a rise of radical parties if people become frustrated with the wealth gap.

"Romania will be a permanent drag on the EU if we continue to fall behind, and the country faces long-term underdevelopment and decay unless there is a relaunch of the partnership with the EU," Gallagher said.

Petrachioaia school director Minu Iordanescu, 56, has already adjusted his expectations.

"Living conditions can get better, but that may take 50 years," he said. "So maybe my grandchildren will taste a more civilized life."

(Edited by Simon Robinson and Sara Ledwith)

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Apps for key government services coming within a year

2 hrs.

With more of us relying?on our phones and the hundreds of?thousands of apps available to help manage our lives, the Obama administration Wednesday issued a directive to?every federal agency to make "two key government services the American people depend on available on mobile phones?within the next 12 months."

"Americans deserve a government that works for them anytime, anywhere, and on any device," said President Barack Obama in a statement.?

The plan is part of a larger effort announced Wednesday to make "large amounts of government data more easily accessible to the public to spur entrepreneurs to develop innovative new services and mobile applications that take advantage of this data, creating new opportunities, businesses and jobs in the process. These actions are part of a larger digital strategy being implemented by the Administration?? a roadmap that will guide the Federal government as it makes the most of new sources of digital information."?

"Mobile is rapidly becoming the platform of choice for Americans; it is now anticipated that by 2015 more people will be accessing the Internet via mobile phones than via traditional desktop computer," the White House said in a?statement. "By next spring, the American people will be able to access dozens of additional government services on their mobile phones for the first time."

There are hundreds of federal agencies, so the task will be formidable.?In the?directive, the administration points to some successful examples already done by cities around the country, including San Francisco.

The City of San Francisco releases its raw public transportation data on train routes, schedules, and to-the-minute location updates directly to the public through web services This has enabled citizen developers to write over 10 different mobile applications to help the public navigate San Francisco?s public transit systems???more services than the city could provide if it focused on presentation development rather than opening the data publicly through web services.

Part of the directive calls for launching a "shared mobile application development program, in conjunction with the Federal CIO Council, that will help agencies develop secure, device-agnostic mobile applications, provide a development test environment to streamline app delivery, foster code-sharing, and validate official government applications."

U.S. Chief Information Officer?Steven VanRoekel said, in a statement, that it is "critical that the federal government keep up with the way the American people do business. Already, families can use government apps to check the wait time at the airport, get access to critical veteran services, and check the status of their tax return. Today?s directive will accelerate our drive to make key services easily accessible to more Americans than ever."

Apps are indeed becoming more relevant in some ways than the Internet; the mobile programs are how more and more of us are getting information, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center?Internet & American Life Project and The Imagining the Internet Center at Elon University.

While the government effort is ambitious, security concerns ? a growing issue with mobile phones that have increasingly sophisticated operating systems???are noted in the directive, called "Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People":

The rate of change of mobile operating systems, new update and notification capabilities from external hardware and software vendors, diversity of the devices themselves, and introduction of employee-owned devices (BYOD) also make security in the mobile space more challenging than in a traditional desktop environment and require new approaches to continuously monitor and manage devices and secure the data itself.

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.

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Met adopts fingerprint scanners

Scotland Yard is to equip its officers with handheld fingerprint devices allowing them to identify suspects in seconds.

Britain's largest police force has distributed 350 mobile phone-like devices to its officers across London.

The technology can also be used to quickly identify unconscious or fatal victims at accident scenes.

The Metropolitan Police is the 25th force in the UK to have adopted the devices.

"Evidence has shown that a full identification arrest can tie-up both the subject and the police officer for several hours," said the Metropolitan Police Service's assistant commissioner Mark Rowley.

"Even a traditional identity check conducted on the street can take an extended period of time to complete.

"It is effective particularly in revealing serious and violent offenders who will do everything they can to prevent the police from knowing their true identities. This technology means there is increased officer time spent on patrol, and as a result, helps to make communities safer."

Not retained

The system will be provided by biometric data specialists 3M Cogent.

It was trialled by the National Policing Improvement Agency as part of their Information Systems Improvement Strategy scheme, designed to lower costs.

A suspect's fingerprint can be taken on the device and almost instantly checked against the police database.

If a match is discovered, further relevant investigations can be made by an officer at the station.

An NPIA spokesman said data from the scan is only used to check a match and is not retained.

The NPIA said using the technology could save an average of 60 minutes per case as it eliminated the need to bring suspects back to a police station for identification.

"Identification is crucial to police investigations and giving officers the ability to do this on-the-spot within minutes is giving them more time to spend working in their communities, helping to fight crime, bringing more offenders to justice and better protecting the public," said Tom McArthur, the NPIA's director of operations.

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SBS Entertainment, MegaTV and Puerto Rico Tourism Company ...


MIAMI, May 23, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- MegaTV, the television network owned by Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. (SBS) (Nasdaq: SBSA), always at the forefront of great events, is pleased to announce that today Wednesday, May 23, at 8 p.m. (ET)- 7 p.m. (CT), it will be presenting the extraordinary television special "Encanto del Caribe" ["Caribbean Enchantment"]? produced? by SBS Entertainment and the Puerto Rico Tourism Company. The mega concert has Latin music artists in the magnificent setting of the historic San Crist?bal Fort in San Juan, Puerto Rico, which for the first time ever has opened its doors for filming.

"Encanto del Caribe," a production of SBS Entertainment, has been arranged around the piano of maestro virtuoso Arthur Hanlon, who has brought together for this occasion a very special group of his friends. Marc Anthony, Laura Pausini, Cheo Feliciano, Natalia Jimenez, and Bernie Williams, who accompanied Hanlon and his magnificent blue piano with their melodious voices on a journey through the very best of Hispanic music.? This tremendous TV special will bring together the great stars of the world of music in a very special setting from the Island of Enchantment, Puerto Rico.

"It is a very great pleasure that we were able to bring together for this wonderful TV special an amazing group of figures from the world of song, musicians, actors, dancers, and the best Puerto Rican talent.? We are making history, and we are showing the world what can be done in Puerto Rico.? I'd like to give special thanks to the maestro, Arthur Hanlon, for his commitment to this project, and to the President of the Senate, Thomas Rivera Schatz for the unconditional support he has given us.? The same goes for the Executive Director of the Department of Economic Development and Trade, Jose Perez Riera, and to the Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company, Mario Gonzalez Lafuente," said Mr. Raul Alarcon, Chairman, President and CEO of SBS.

For Arthur Hanlon, one of the most successful pianists in Spanish- and English-speaking markets, this is one of the most significant projects of his career.

"Encanto del Caribe is a musical project that celebrates the convergence of cultures, and Puerto Rico, more than any place in the world, is a musical center where in the course of history, countless cultures and influences have been joined together. It is a unique and inspiring place," said Hanlon. "To get to do this TV special with a visionary company like SBS, in such a magical place and with such talented artists, is really a privilege," he added. "From the bottom of my heart I want to thank Mr. Raul Alarcon and the Government of Puerto Rico."Encanto del Caribe" demonstrates that music is not divided, that it's not white or black, and as artists, all of us can interpret the music of any nation," said the pianist, who is getting ready to release the recording of this event on CD and DVD, produced by conductor Julio Reyes Copello on the Universal Music label.

Jose Perez Riera, Secretary of Economic Development and Trade, noted that "this project, for an investment of $7.5 million, is an ideal? platform for promoting Puerto Rico as a splendid destination for tourist investment, in addition to creating direct and indirect jobs, as well as the expenditures on hotel room occupancy that were generated as a result of this event."?

The special, to be broadcast by MegaTV today Wednesday, May 23, at 8 p.m. (ET)- 7 p.m. (CT), in the United States and Puerto Rico, will be seen by more than 100 million people, and will give the Puerto Rico Tourism Company an opportunity to promote the island in the mass medium of television.

Mario Gonzalez Lafuente, Director of the Compania de Turismo, emphasized that "to us it is a great honor that our Island, and particularly our iconic San Cristobal Castle in Old San Juan, will become the center for filming Encanto del Caribe, since music is a cultural element that unites different people and with an event of this magnitude, undoubtedly we will portray Puerto Rico as a destination steeped in history and as the musical center of the Caribbean."

More about the special

Arthur Hanlon and his piano thrilled the senses of his audience in the heart of San Cristobal Castle, transformed into one of the largest TV studios ever set up in Puerto Rico.

Hanlon took his place on stage with his blue concert piano, shipped in from Miami especially for the occasion, surrounded by a magical atmosphere in which the presence of the actresses and actors, dancers, mimes and acrobats comprising the production shone forth. During the first few minutes of the special, the shots are concentrated on the stage and on the Fort exterior, filmed from a helicopter.? His friends and special guests on this night were: Marc Anthony, Laura Pausini, Cheo Feliciano, Natalia Jimenez and Bernie Williams who joined him on stage.

The music featured maestro Cucco Pena conducting an orchestra of 41 first rate musicians. The overall production was by SBS Entertainment, executive production by Raul Alarcon, overall direction by Alejandro Santiago, producer Ileana Ciena, PJ Lopez, Director of Photography, Pedro Villalon, Director's Assistant, and Angie Olmedo, Costume Design.??

The world premiere of the special is scheduled to be broadcast today Wednesday, May 23, at 8 p.m. (ET) - 7 p.m. (CT) on MegaTV: Channel 22 in Miami, Channel 57 West Palm Beach, Channel 13, Chicago, Illinois, Channel 33.2 Fresno, CA, Channel 55 Houston, TX, Channel 23 in Salt Lake City, UT, Channel 169 of DIRECTV in Puerto Rico. Channel 405 of DIRECTV in the main cities of the United States, Channel 25 in Texas, Verizon Fios, Channel 466 in Florida, Verizon Fios, Channel 466 in NY, NJ and Greenwich, CT in Verizon Fios and Channel 3008 of AT&T U-verse in the main cities of the United States.



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About Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.

Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. is the largest publicly traded Hispanic-controlled media and entertainment company in the United States. SBS owns and/or operates 21 radio stations located in the top U.S. Hispanic markets of New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco and Puerto Rico, airing the Tropical, Mexican Regional, Spanish Adult Contemporary and Urban format genres. SBS has 3 of the top 6 Spanish-language stations in the nation including the #1 Spanish station in America, WSKQ-FM in New York City (WPAT is ranked #3 and KLAX is ranked #6). The Company also owns and operates MegaTV, a television operation with over-the-air, cable and satellite distribution and affiliates throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. SBS also produces live concerts and events throughout the country and operates LaMusica.com, a bilingual Spanish-English online site providing content related to Latin music, entertainment, news and culture. The Company's corporate Web site can be accessed at www.spanishbroadcasting.com.

About Puerto Rico Tourism Company

Puerto Rico is one of the most striking destinations in the Caribbean, blending marvelous natural locations with the enchantment of a modern city. The Island offers numerous activities for different kinds of markets, such as natural resources, attractions and hotels. Each region has its own appeal, including "El Yunque," a tropical forest located in the eastern part of the island, extreme sports such as surfing and diving, as well as heavenly beaches and a vibrant and sophisticated cultural and entertainment life in the San Juan area. During their visits to Puerto Rico, tourists have the pleasure of discovering 500 years of history in Old San Juan, hiking in the jungle, sampling the delicious local and international cuisine, going fishing or enjoying a show of international stars at Jose Miguel Agrelot Stadium. Luis Munoz International Airport is the main hub in the Caribbean, while San Juan is also the most important port of call for the large cruise ships that arrive here swiftly and easily.? U.S. Citizens do not need a passport to visit Puerto Rico, and throughout the year, special discounts are available for hotels and plane fares.?

Media & Press Contact:

Vladimir Gomez, Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc., Director, Marketing and Communications (305) 644-4817, vgomez@mega.tv

SOURCE Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.

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Spotify now live in Australia and New Zealand

Android Central

It's been a long time coming, but finally our friends in Australia and New Zealand can enjoy the Spotify service as it has launched down under. By now, Spotify needs no introduction, but its arrival in another new market is welcomed. As a 'celebration' of the launch, a special Australian themed playlist has been put together by Spotify to get everyone started.

The service you'll be interested in as a reader of this site, is the Spotify Premium, which includes the ability to listen to music on your Android device. In Australia, you're looking at $11.99 a month for this, and $12.99 in New Zealand. 

We've included download links to the Spotify app below to get you started. But, there's a newer -- and much better -- preview version available directly from Spotify themselves. We did a little hands on back in April when it first emerged, so don't forget to head over and give it a read. 

Source: Spotify

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A non-invasive intracellular 'thermometer' with fluorescent proteins has been created

A non-invasive intracellular 'thermometer' with fluorescent proteins has been created

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A team from the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) has developed a technique to measure internal cell temperatures without altering their metabolism. This finding could be useful when distinguishing healthy cells from cancerous ones, as well as learning more about cellular processes.

Temperature controls many of the cell's life processes, such as splitting and metabolism. A European research team led by the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), which has the Severo Ochoa mark of excellence, has published a non-invasive method that offers quicker, more precise data from measuring intracellular heat from green fluorescent proteins (GFP) in the journal 'Nano Letters'.

"A unique characteristic of our method is that it does not alter any cellular process" Romain Quidant, ICFO researcher and study coordinator, explains. Unlike other techniques, this method does not stress or alter the behaviour of the cell as it does not need to be inserted into any molecules or any other synthetic nano-object that is sensitive to the internal temperature.

One of the most promising outcomes is a better understanding of cellular processes, such as those involved in metastasis. Furthermore, the possibility of obtaining information about intracellular temperature could be used to "differentiate normal cells from cancerous ones in a quick, non-invasive manner" Sebastian Thompson Parga, ICFO researcher and co-author of the project.

Information deduced from temperature

From intracellular temperature, we can deduce how the energy used by the body in the uncontrolled spreading of cancer cells flows.

In this interdisciplinary study, biology uses physical measurements of energy transmission to study processes such as gene expression, metabolism and cell splitting.

The technique used is known by the name of 'fluorescence polarisation anisotropy' (FPA) as it allows the difference in polarization between light that fluorescent molecules receive, and that which they emit later, to be measured. In the words of Quidant, "this difference in polarization (anisotropy) is directly connected to the rotating of the GFP molecules and therefore with temperature".

The green fluorescence of the proteins has a reward

The authors of the study ensure that biologists will be able to implement this technique in experimental set-ups and obtain the cell temperature as another observable detail. In 2008, when Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie and Roger Y. Tsien won the Nobel Chemistry Prize for discovering and developing GFP, they resolved many complications in biomedical research.

In the field of molecular biology, different techniques have been suggested to monitor internal cell temperature, these researchers found limitations in measuring the intensity and spectrum of its fluorescence.

Furthermore, the option of measuring intracellular activity could establish the basis to develop a field that has not been widely studied: thermal biology at cellular level.

According to the authors of the study, the following step is to improve the method's sensitivity and resolution. In order to achieve that, the researchers work to fine tune the properties of the fluorescent proteins and optimise the detection method of its 'thermometer'.


FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology: http://www.fecyt.es/fecyt/home.do

Thanks to FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology for this article.

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business branding colours? meaning of pink | Karen Haller | Blog ...

Business Branding - pink - Peggy Porschen. This opens a new browser window

When I started researching for this article, I didn?t realise I would find so many businesses that use pink as their main branding colour.? On one hand this may reflect an increase in women going into business or more female related services. On the other hand I did find it surprising given the? back lash against pink being marketed at little girls. It seems when it comes to marketing to women pink is all the rage.

What message is being conveyed when a brand chooses pink as their primary branding colour??

colour psychology
Positive qualities of pink represents feminine love, nurturing, and caring, maternal love. From these positive qualities you can see why the energy of the softer, gentler tones pink would resonate with little girls.

On the negative side it can come across as needy, weak, helpless and emasculating.?When a company whose primary branding colour doesn?t uphold the values of pink its brand personality will come across with these negative traits.

romantic pink
Peggy Porschen?s bespoke cake boutique?just?exudes the feelings of?old world romance and delicate girlie femininity. It?s no surprise there have been more than one wedding proposal witnessed here, such is the romantic atmosphere.

Business Branding - pink - Peggy Porschen. This opens a new browser window

Business Branding - communicating feminine romance | Image: Peggy Porschen Cakes

emotive selling
Even the big brands see the value in creating products in colours if they believe it will sell. ?They are emotionally connecting with their target market. As you can see from the example below, these three brands have each selected a tone of pink they feel will ?sell?. ?Each tone has its own ?personality? and will be attractive to different personalities.

Business Branding - famous branding using pink on their products. This opens a new browser window.

Business Branding - Big Brands know colour sells | Images - Dell, Blackberry & Stanley

Business Branding - pink - T-Mobile. This opens a new browser window.

Business Branding - Can you guess which segment of the market mobile giant T Mobile are aiming for? | Image - T Mobile

women?s networking groups
Have you noticed the?proliferation of women?s networking groups who are using pink? And not just any pink but cold blue magenta. ?Do they know what they are really communicating in combination with their other brand colours? If the tone of colour isn?t in keeping with your business brand?s personality, you could be communicating feminist and militant than caring and nurturing.

Business Branding - pink - Womens Networking Groups.

Business Branding - Some of the women's networking groups favouring cold blue magenta pink | Images - The Athena Network, Women in Business Network, Pink Boots Society, The Heart Link Network, Network She, The P.I.N.K foundation

pink symbolises women?s causes
Looking at the main positive qualities of pink being feminine love, nurture and caring it is no surprise pink is colour the majority of women?s charities use, especially when it comes to breast cancer charities.

Business Branding - pink - Pink Ribbon International. This opens a new browser window.

Business Branding - Pink Ribbon International, just one example of women's charities using pink | Image: Pink Ribbon International

brand analysis
If you would like to know if pink is the right colour for your business brand and just as important the exact tone of pink, then why not see if a ?brand colour analysis is right for you. My clients find when they get their branding colours right, they really get how it represents their brand?s personality and how the right tone will increase brand recognition, attracting their target clientele and lead to increased sales.

How do you respond to a brand that uses pink as their primary brand colour? How does it make you feel?

To find out more about the effects colour has on your brand download my free?e-book?7 mistakes most business owners make with their branding colours.

If you enjoyed reading this article you may also be interested in other articles relating to?colour in business branding.

Peggy Porschen Cakes
Dell,?Blackberry,?Stanley and?T Mobile.
Women?s networking groups: The Athena Network, Women in Business Network, Pink Boots Society, The Heart Link Network, Network She, The P.I.N.K foundation

Pink Ribbon International

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Arts & Entertainment - Atlantic City Weekly

Beyonc? performs at Revel May 25-28

ATLANTIC CITY ? Opening night was still a day away when entertainer Steve Lawrence stood on the stage of Atlantic City?s first casino showroom dressed casually in chino slacks, a polo shirt and a navy blue Chris Craft boating windbreaker.

Lawrence and his wife, singer Eydie Gorme, had accepted the challenge of being the first act to play the first legal casino to open outside the state of Nevada.

During a break from rehearsals in the Superstar Theatre of what was then known as Resorts International Casino Hotel, Lawrence said few in Atlantic City realized the change that was about to come over the city, especially with entertainment.

?We always loved playing Atlantic City and we?ve missed it,? Lawrence said of their decade-long gap in gigs, which occurred when Atlantic City fell on hard time during the 1960s and ?70s.

?Wait?ll you see what?s going to happen to this town. This is just the beginning,? he said. ?In a few years, there?ll be as many [entertainers] working here as there are in Las Vegas.?

Too bad Lawrence won?t be in Atlantic City to see that his prediction has come true, and in spades.

Through more than three decades of trial and error, Atlantic City?s casino industry has developed a loose formula for entertaining the 30 million people who visit each year. But on May 26, 1978, not even Lawrence could have predicted the unprecedented lineup of shows that awaits visitors over the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend.

Between Friday and Monday, Atlantic City will experience the single biggest weekend of entertainment the town has ever seen, and with the most demographically diverse collection of artists, too. Few cities anywhere can match the quality, quantity and calibre of shows this weekend, if ever.

Quite literally, there?s something for every entertainment taste, ranging from Beyonc??s four shows at Revel as part of the property?s grand opening celebration to reggae god Bob Marley?s legendary band The Wailers performing. And in between, there?s headliners performing rock, pop, country, comedy, R&B, techno music and more.

Joe Lupo, senior vice president of operations at Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, says entertainment is one of the keys in separating Atlantic City from other regions where casino-style gambling is merely a stand-along attraction, not part of an overall destination experience.


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  • TheDude said...
    Mandy Moore is pretty smokin. I wish I was cool enough to date her. Does anybody know how I can get her number?

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